Quit the app and relaunch it or if necessary, force quit the app and relaunch it.Check the Mac App Store or the web conference downloads site for any updates to your web conference apps.Restart by going to Apple menu > Restart.Go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Energy Saver Temporarily turn off any sleep and power nap settings using Energy Saver preferences.Check for a macOS software update (especially any security updates) and update your Mac if needed (be sure to backup first, before updating).If using a VPN, try temporarily disconnecting from the VPN during the call.Try using the web version of the conference service using Safari, Chrome, or another third-party browser INSTEAD of the Mac app.Or, if on full-screen, reduce the size of the app window and then try to share your screen Try maximizing the app’s window on your Mac and then choose the button/option to screen your share.

Sharing your screen allows you to quickly show co-workers, bosses, classmates, teachers or others anything that’s on your screen in real-time without needing to send any files. Screen sharing, also called desktop sharing, is when you (or someone else) share some or all of the contents of your screen with other devices (like other computers, tablets, or phones). With a significant number of folks working or studying from home, it’s likely that at some point you will need to share your screen with others.